Allison F. 10/4/2024
My Son’s Struggle With Diaper Rash
My son has very sensitive skin, so we struggled with preventing severe diaper rash during his first year. Wipes, while necessary to clean him during diaper changes, became too abrasive and would cause him obvious pain. We tried various wipes but the result was the same. Our pediatrician noticed and suggested we spray water before the wipes to help loosen the waste so wipes would be more effective. That solution itself is super effective, but we found it difficult to manage outside of our home- the bad rash was still happening at his daycare or I would forget to pack the spray bottle. Thankfully, I found Bonobo Baby! The bottle connects to the wipes so it doesn’t get separated or lost, and the nice packaging and design helps lend credibility to this method as a legitimate game changer for diaper rash. He no longer gets a bad rash despite still being in diapers, which means it’s easy, quick and intuitive enough for his daycare teachers to use consistently. We now have a happy baby and happy teachers who don’t have to wrangle a screaming toddler, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the perfect product from a fellow mom who has been there with you.
Sandra M. 10/10/2024
Being a grandmother to two adorable children is absolute pure joy. In many ways it’s like getting a second chance to do things a little bit better. I’m so excited to share some valuable insight with today’s parents about why using spray with water along with wipes is so important. Chemicals combined with wipes isn’t much different than using hand sanitizer on your baby’s private areas. I don’t know anyone who uses hand sanitizer to wipe their bum do you? I’m not saying don’t use wipes I’m begging you to use a spray bottle with water first and in between use of multiple wipes because it is simply the best way to change a diaper when using wipes.
Irritate is a very nice word for hurt… wipes alone hurt your baby’s bum just like hand sanitizer would if you used that alone…
I’m not judging or trying to be mean. I’m trying to help, that’s all. I know how much you love your babies, I do too. That’s why I’m writing this and hoping you will think about it and consider making this change in your baby’s diaper changing routine.
Lots of research was done choosing the Bonobo spray bottle, and the design of the Bonobo is beyond adorable … This gift for your baby is just as important as a binki or blanky, oops they call that something else now don’t they;)
Much love to you all, your work is the hardest I’ve ever known yet I would do it all over again because that’s how much a mother and grandmother loves her kids.
Kelsi F. 09/10/2024
The Bonobo saved the day yesterday! York pooped while we were at the park waiting for Gemma to get out of gymnastics. I went to go change his bum and somehow the wipes were NOT in the bag… but the bonobo was!! So I sprayed his butt and then had to use another diaper as a wipe but had I not had the bonobo, he would have had to stay poppy! Never going anywhere without it!

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